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> that webm
it's fucking legendary. The last chance of doing anything and out of nowhere:Bam! There you have a 120+ from Twilight. 

> Even though we got a 2nd place, I'm not mad or salty in any way at all. The final match was simply glorious.There have been plenty of interesing matches this cup, both in group stage and in the knockouts, and the /mlp/'s setup like history is going to repeat itself until the very last moment... hnnng, pure perfection.
Uff,the /o/ repetition was almost there and it drove everyone crazy by just thinking about it. We all feared and were excited about the legend coming true again. I must say that /u/ has delivered good matches and the goal from /n/ in the 3rd place match in which Boris muted himself was just priceless. 

> Also, compared to the general attiude that was present during summer '16 among commissioner and color commentators this cup is also a marvel for this very reason. Much of the then present stigma was gone, which made the commentators all the more free to act, which is big factor why it was so great.
Plus, >Ved is liv again, and I can listen to Kregg and Boris commentate for hours on end
Boris was always entertaining. I think the one who brought a little bit of real madness was Lear if I am not wrong. The attitude has improved because they are used to seeing /mlp/ as an appealing part of the cup. You can get triggered about ponies but not forever, I have to admit that they have balanced a bit how to take on the salt and assume from the start that /mlp/ has been going with a solid team since its appeareance. 

The 2nd star was just a last childish cry before giving up on accepting the team as it is. They may not have liked it but they cannot deny ponies bring a lot of spice to the cup and have given fame and relevance to the cup. Hell,many concepts they use now come from random ideas and content from the /mlp/ board. 
Not to mention...3300 spectators on the stream. The Oscars have had an unexpected competitor