> 5050 will be happy about that.
He doesn't have to post (cool if he does)t, but, it'd be neat if he sees it for sure. I kind of feel it was a debt owed to him in a way. I ought to at least try it.
> Probably should, (depending on what... yeah, I think that is CB's right?) plans are. I could see him wanting to maintain it as a continuation of 8chan's /pone/.
Yes, it is CB's and, yes, that is something I've thought. Still, right now with IRL, it is a place to flea and regroup at least.
> These two posts alone seems like a tiring thing to have done and dug around.
Though I don't consider it the most impressive. One being just something I wasted time on and the OC and videos on the other being sloppy, thanks.
> r 3rd world internet connection
Yeah, it is just, mobile and WISPs and such right now can suck where I live. I'll leave it at that.