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>>/9023/ > reasons outside of my control. Story of my life. >>/9021/ > meandering about personal stuff isn´t exactly frowned upon because it has allowed the board to move forward. Correct, it is not always the prime subject but it is something that comes up quite naturally in this place when there are too few anons to hind behind a true vail of anonymity. Hence why a lot of our discussions are a bit all over the place and such. >>/9026/ > However, the thread would itself not to become as strict as it was announced back then. Mostly because we had no idea how it was going to pan out. > Ironically enough, users and OP himself have already made posts over there that tackle said matters if they happen to be related to them. Given the recent changes for that thread and the unexpected relevance that it has gained, especially due to the recent events, I don´t blame such sudden shift in the philosophy. Nobody had a clear idea how to approach it. Not to contradict you here, >>/3148/ > Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason. The debate that has happened in the past is when/what crosses that threshold and you are right that I had to be a bit less restrictive than what I thought it was going to be when I went in but I still consider it in force. For example, in my attempts to chronological any timeline for Ponychan (lol) I couldn't cleanly ignore it. As for that thread, yeah, still good to err a bit on the side of caution but that warning was in place to prevent it from becoming just simply another place on the internet to air out dirty laundry and fighting over subjects covered or lolcows. When in doubt, it would be fine to post such a observations in here or >>/5562/ > we wouldn´t have expected this board to last for so long. You complain about threads that are fleeting in nature, this board exists due to the expectation of being ephemeral in its entirety, not ever-lasting. Philosophically ephemeral is different than the function of threads being that way though. Functionally, /endpone/ threads are very long lasting. We, especially in our earlier days, knew the plug might be pulled it'd be game over and adapted a why worry attitude As for philosophically, would I still describe /endpone/ as ephemeral? I have no idea. Taking some small steps to stay around and archiving things certainly is a bit in contrast I admit. Just mentioning this because I think his complaint is separate from your observation.