Bye old thread!

> anchors 

I think it is a interesting idea. I know back on /mlp/ anons didn't always use them that well but here I think with the slower posting it might work out better. I do hope you do something with those projects ideas. Work being even partly scattered out to other anons sounds like a more long term success strategy. I do understand your own limitations right now in being able to coordinate and organize that.

> For the fandom representation, I want to lay something out first.

Like, what? Do you mean laying out some rules or in the sense of some project?

>  I feel like I need to make a few more and get a feel for it before I make yet a forth anchor post for those.

If you got that worked out, it might need its own thread. Multiple anchors per category if I understand what you intend for that system.

> It's crushing when a HDD is basically/seemingly dead and I did nothing wrong to result in its failure.

How bad is it for you? It seems like you have a lot of TB just lying around, but I am curious of how precarious the set up is.If you mind my asking.

> This is why privacy is important.

Whole other can of worms but the amount of surveillance that people now passively accept is insane.