Just started Chapter 6. Not going to spoiler, but there is a few moments of interest to G4. A couple of big ones and a few implied things.

My rating is as follows:
The Movie: 8/10 I actually liked it. Enjoyed it even. It wasn't FiM but most of the charters were better than I thought they would be, save Pip. 
Chapter 2: 4/10 Meh, outside of some strong moments, it was mediocre. I only liked one episode.
Chapter 3: 4/10 Ditto
Chapter 4: 6/10 I enjoyed this one better. Charters felt more established. It isn't FiM and doesn't have that same level of investment though. 
Chapter 5: 5.5/10 Slightly less, but ditto to above. 

There. Not quite to /endpone/ standards but at least there is a mini-review here.