Wonder if Endchan has markup to not apply markup to a part of text, like in wikis.
Manual method to fix it, not IO-intensive, works with one large file w/root_block->45MB_blocks->256K_blocks:
> # look for "block was not found locally (offline)", note the line count from the first line to "not found locally", let's say the count=55
> ipfs ls QmYhMWbLFTG8yhUBkC8daArsmCkr4L1Ur5drmkViAdho4W | sed "s/ .*//g" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; ipfs ls $args | grep QmUpFCCD1u8CApWjzhEm9LpxjtYUB5xLfCQ7S2LDT8EpyX; done' _
> ipfs object links [CID for 45MB_block] | grep -n [CID for missing 256K_block]
> [some number, call it 110]:[CID for missing 256K_block] 262158
> tail --bytes=+$(expr $(expr $(expr 262144 \* $(expr $(expr 55 - 1) \* 174)) + 1) + $(expr 262144 \* $(expr 110 - 1))) YP-DVD-APFAS.iso | head --bytes=262144 | ipfs add
ipfs://QmYhMWbLFTG8yhUBkC8daArsmCkr4L1Ur5drmkViAdho4W should be the same as "A Pony for Every Season" at magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ee9ccf3c921b2e7f60e01205766d8f2b2c0d2ce&dn=YP-DVD-APFAS.iso . I was missing some of QmYh...ho4W's blocks, but I think I can fully fix it.
> Wow, that is a big file! How do you do it? I mean, most data plans I know of usually cap out at some point even when they say unlimited.
Unfortunately I live in an area with metered connections, so I gotta pay an additional $30/month for "unlimited", which is actually a max of 100,000 GB per month. In one month in the past I downloaded/uploaded about 5 or 6 TB (so like 94 TB to spare); I could get other statistics which might be more interesting, but don't feel like it. My upload and download speed is somewhat OK, and I'd rank it low to medium.