Some Google Drive metadata related to MLP website WARCs, mostly per-ID folder info (offline):

Qmd9...neNW is 13.77 GiB and is related to /ipfs/QmeZLFkzycAL4nL7JdHMWibXhRCPzFjp2x35kaXRtzZ7mr or this one .txt.gz file. Qmd9...neNW is somewhat important because those folders were deleted days after I got metadata on them. Metadata on them is maybe/probably not in wbm, and those folders were deleted by the user, probably. All of the data has seemingly been moved to another website.

*infinitely large universe
> Antithology 1 torrent that few cared about
Restored thanks to and also me if I saved it there months ago

Another missing block - in a set described as "rare webpages":
- missing:
- not missing, nearby:

I think I have the folder or other info related to QmeM...3rk9 which is in neither HDD. QmYB...tzQK = image upload number #308700. It had a source of and two comments:
> Anonymous >> #2616
> Posted on 2019-09-02 12:48:30 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)
> Man, Sundown does a nice job drawing lolis.
> Anonymous >> #2618
> Posted on 2019-09-02 13:46:46 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)
> gosh I love seeing her whored up like that )
The image was apparently a humanized Apple Bloom lolicon drawn by Sundown.