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6 years and it seems that the board is entering into a new phase. We take all these years for granted but it´s ironic that the bloom of this board happened at an unusual time in the fanbase´s history. 

Perhaps other users have more to deliver at this point by either archiving material, by discussing a bit the 5th generation, longposts related to specific matters, discussion about the fanfics that are presented over here, sharing videos/webm, adding a new banner or just posting whatever image anyone feels like doing at the time.

I hope that all of you are having fun with the experience around here. Who knows how long it might last?  Never take this ride for granted, otherwise regrets can be felt in hindsight.

As for me, I don´t believe that I can contribute all that much to the board. I have been taking a break from this project in the meantime. However, even if I stick around behind the scenes, I am still doing my part but said actions are much subtler in practice.

Another chapter /ends/ and a new one is around the corner.

I guess that it´s up to all of you to get the spotlight around here.
I am just posting this reply for delivering some evidence of my existence around this board.

See you in 2024, /endpone/.