thumbnail of JJNewYearsCrappyEdit.png
thumbnail of JJNewYearsCrappyEdit.png
JJNewYearsCrappyEdit png
(2.03 MB, 1200x1102)
thumbnail of U2-New Year's Day (Lyrics) [SlDi4hpJsaY].mp4
thumbnail of U2-New Year's Day (Lyrics) [SlDi4hpJsaY].mp4
U2-New Year's Day... mp4
(7.1 MB, 384x288 h264)
As per tradition, here is, New Year's Day by U2. First thing I ever posted here on that fateful meeting with two other anons. Didn't realize I'd be here 6 years later...

> 6 years and it seems that the board is entering into a new phase. We take all these years for granted but it´s ironic that the bloom of this board happened at an unusual time in the fanbase´s history. 

Yes, we have taken the years for granted, haven't we? And... where are we now? 

> I hope that all of you are having fun with the experience around here. Who knows how long it might last? Never take this ride for granted, otherwise regrets can be felt in hindsight.

I think I haven't. I still got some enjoyment out of the ride in a time when everyone was either wearing down  and a sense of fear had taken the fandom (at least those of us who weren't wearing rose tinted glasses of everything being 100% fine in some of the more mainstream circles). So, while maybe the years have been for granted, or at least caught me of guard, I think I have been cherishing this period more then some.  and even then, the ride isn't as important as the souls we meet along the way. 

A certain anon once told me that once the show was over, the ride was formally done, and anything else was just a pleasant surprise/bonus. So, whatever is around the corner, maybe it has been already done in a sense?

Though... I do not know what going past the 9000 post has done, maybe /endpone/ will continue 10 more years for all I know? Regardless, I will be holding onto the board and keeping things with some semblance of functionality even if my contributions might not be the most either.

> As for me, I don´t believe that I can contribute all that much to the board. 

You already have done a lot.  Numerous long posts, heck, how many of our generals and threads you founded and shaped.  I say a break is well deserved.  

> I am just posting this reply for delivering some evidence of my existence around this board.

And feel free to do whenever you wish. Always welcome here whenever you feel like popping up.

> See you in 2024, /endpone/.

It isn't 2024 for me, but this for the board, and some of those anons out there and so, happy 2024 /endpone/!