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> I think clones are a bit under explored in the sense of how would the characters rationally react to one. Especially when they used to copy paste mutiple ponies because budget. I do recall seeing a fic in around season 2 or 3 which had a bit of this concept was displayed, along with one fic where there was a Twilight Sparkle look-alike, but I never finished them and there names elude me.
It wouldn't surprise it was from that period.Fans had tried literally everything yet, I have not seen what others have done. 

> I will see when I can. I'm split between it and something else. Though the look-alike OC in question is something slightly different, more of an inspiration.
Even when you clone,inspirations come from different situations or circumstances. Many OCs have been inspired by Luna,Twilight,Fluttershy,Spike (hello Mina from the comics),Chrysalis... basically everyone or the huge majority of them.
Most of my posts came like a copy yet,the objective was pretty different than the intended or original one and it came as something different. When different things come into the material,the thing is not the same. Hell,I actually had a little 
conversation with him because of  >>/602/  >>/604/. He liked and enjoyed the story and he did say that helping others to find inspiration was one of his purposes of his channels. I am not trying to say that I am the shit nor I have the purpose to shill him. It was because the pictures inspired me to do something out of them.

> Kingdom Hearts was never my favorite but was something I played from time to time and was exposed to when growing up. Endless clones indeed.
I have only played a little bit of 358/2 and the GBA version of Chain of Memories. Never played the good ones,so I cannot have a fair criticism about them. It was the clearest and most popular option to mention that has taken the whole topic,even for the franchise itself.
A clone of Final Fanstasy,with Disney characters. The protagonist sees illusions or clones and even make clones out of him. All those projects and fake identities,while incomplete and unemotional, become something and reach their own paths while feeling like androids of pure nothing. The stories are so conflicted,somewhat confusing yet,the Final Fanstasy clone receives more hype these days than the original and even serves as an emergency call when FF doesn't stand on its own.