Got it:
> $ TZ=UTC wget -p -r --level=1 --span-hosts --adjust-extension --convert-links --warc-max-size=700000000 --warc-cdx -e robots=off --warc-file=libraryofbabel.app-ref-41a9768e-d28d-4c70-ac1b-b4de875c1ffa. https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/41a9768e-d28d-4c70-ac1b-b4de875c1ffa. 1>1wget1.txt 2>1wget2.txt
> $ TZ=UTC wget -p -r --level=1 --span-hosts --adjust-extension --convert-links --warc-max-size=700000000 --warc-cdx -e robots=off --warc-file=libraryofbabel.app-ref-51dd2c67-4a5a-4bb3-bde7-e85ba1145f3a. https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/51dd2c67-4a5a-4bb3-bde7-e85ba1145f3a. 1>2wget1.txt 2>2wget2.txt
online at https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmNwA2o6YPwgUHFyU7FMYLVEnDW94p3JLr3S6JMWRWCbGb
- 6 files matching *.warc.gz or *.cdx = local, remote

One of the reasons - at https://web.archive.org/save/https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/[...] this happens, even with low latency:
>  Save Page Now browser crashed on https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/[...].
What is it?
> What is the Library of Babel?
> Read the home page first.
> The Library of Babel is a fictional library that contains every possible unique book of 1,312,000 characters. Each book has 410 pages of 40 lines of 80 characters each. 410 × 40 × 80 = 1,312,000. As each book consists of a combination of the same 29 characters, the total number of unique books is 29^1,312,000. For comparison, it is estimated that there are around 10^80 atoms in the observable universe.
> It contains every book that has ever been written, and every book that ever will be written.

10 files:
- ChkFY2hW3NM local, remote, top
- pXSTwkedCPI local, remote, top