format - thread is missing in lookups: [pone][1]
- Endchan Magrathea
Dubnium (Db), a transuranic chemical element with atomic number 105

Correction to text in  >>/9222/:
> QmWmVnpTXkhTu3rjcqJv9vCzECkvdV3wwtSocxVLKGQnT3 691216 Super Ponybeat Vol. 2 - Diamond Dogs (preview).png
> $ ipfs ls QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N | wc -l # output=17

> code tag test
Here's another code tag test - does it wrap text (code=YT channel downloader):
$ echo $IPFS_PATH; yt-dlp -j --flat-playlist UUfi_dQD0f-IRl2QnIQ7LCmw > 1plist1.json 2>1error1.log.txt; cat 1plist1.json | jq ".id" | tr -d \" >> 1plist1.txt; fdir=$(yt-dlp --get-filename --skip-download --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames -o "%(channel)s_%(channel_id)s" -- $(head -n1 1plist1.txt)); if [ -f $fdir ]; then sleep 9d; else mkdir $fdir; fi; cd $fdir; mv -n ../1plist1.txt .; mv -n ../1plist1.json .; mv -n ../1error1.log.txt .; utc > 1stats1.txt; chan=$(pwd | grep -o "........................$"); bash$args" -o temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1plist2.txt; done' _; rm temp.txt; grep -v '!!!\| 200 OK$' 1plist2.txt | sed "s/.*=//g" | sed "s/://g" > 1plist3.txt; ids=1plist3.txt; bash >>/pone/1@1error1.log.txt); curl -sL "$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=snippet,id,contentDetails,liveStreamingDetails,localizations,player,recordingDetails,statistics,status,topicDetails&id=$args" > $fname; done' _; curl -sL "$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails&channelId=$chan" > 1_channel_sections_1.json; curl -sL "$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,localizations,player,status&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_playlists_1.json; curl -sL "$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json; if [ $(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq .pageInfo.totalResults) -gt 50 ]; then nextpagetoken=$(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq -r .nextPageToken); while [ ! "$nextpagetoken" = "null" ]; do echo $nextpagetoken; curl -sL "$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50&pageToken=$nextpagetoken" > temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1_channel_subscriptions_all_1.json; nextpagetoken=$(cat temp.txt | jq -r .nextPageToken); done; fi; utc >> 1stats1.txt; bash