thumbnail of deletionbooru-809027.png
thumbnail of deletionbooru-809027.png
deletionbooru-809027 png
(2.76 MB, 1754x1240)
>  wish it was at something like so I could more easily skip original filename links
Those are maybe all 404'd. Also ignore:[...]">https://<2>[...]
Didn't see any non-404 [...]/res/[...] links after quickly looking. More Ponychan URLs from my grab from last year: "$ vim (attached). Maud Pie: "In the years before explosives, they used to mine granite by drilling holes into it, then filling those holes with water, plugging those water filled holes with waxed wooden plugs, and waiting for winter. The continuous freezing temperatures would cause the water in the holes to freeze, and expand, which would crack the huge blocks of granite loose from the solid vein of granite rock." --