WBM: "Sorry \ Cannot resolve host new.theponyarchive.com." but archive.is can still get it and it is not down. Not sure what's happening there, wbm using not-amazing DNS?
* funny PMV (.mkv) https://web.archive.org/web/20240106125103/https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=HmdaSi1afxA
** (better if Pinkie Pie was singing that song?)
* https://web.archive.org/web/20240106124109/https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=JFgH1eQomy0

2017 video not in TPA - "Lollipop (The Chordettes PMV/Dedicated To Sarahndipity Cosplay)" (I mostly didn't watch this):

Here for now:

>  >above post
I can check when that grab finishes by looking at this in my private HTTP Server: