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> It's quite possible that Dolores just accepted it easily because of her frustrations in her childhood.
That was part of my association of Dolores with Stalin, I imaged her having not the best parents in the world and being forced to go against what she wanted to do. In a vaguely similar vein to Stalin abusive father and him being put into a school as the only hope of his mother, where he first encountered communism. It was just my little early headcanons and what not.
> And someday I have to compare the psychology and similarities Dolores and Ulianov have.
That would be cool and I would love to read something like that. I always have loved analysis of the show.Not the YT/Reddit tier stuff, but things like this. Actual dissuasion of possible influences and implications on the universe. Even some of the wilder theories I like early on when we had very little to go on and the dots sometimes connected in interesting ways.