> I wish I received the horse powers of a Le Mans or F1 race car instead of these ones. Oh well. 

Minor GTA 5 editing powers at least give you the power to make things look a little cooler.  It's like Trixie's skill set vs Twilight's skill set 

> When I finished the edited pics of this bunch,I saw this one as the strongest ones to say myself that it was the best.....and the visions from others are pretty different. This happens to every artist or creator(I am not one yet, I somewhat get the same feelings) to its works. 

I consider stuff like that more subjective. I am no critic and my taste would probably be considered quite awful by many on what motifs and things I do like. Still th recolored edit looks pretty sweet.


Another case of cool. Looks so much better with the stars brought out in the background.


These to feel about the same to me actually, with the edit colors feeling just a bit sharper.