41595ceea87... png
(35.64 KB, 578x863)
So outside of spn.sh (and as an alternative to running wget --spider...), run this:
$ curl -sL https://ipfs.nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafkreicpxcytmfyyx6xterb5xnzdt5h6hl3mgcuoganubwkpjupohroadu | tail -n +13273 | perl -pE "s/ /\n/g" | grep http | sort | uniq | sort -R | grep -v "/preview/\|/pone/res/3148.html" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; curl -s -m 60 -X POST --data-urlencode url="$args" -d "if_not_archived_within=157680000" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: LOW api:key" https://web.archive.org/save/; echo; sleep 50; done' _Images from
* https://endchan.org/.media/d1acf07e67ff7b967fbcf8fd73773c71-imagepng.png - now https://invidious.asir.dev/watch?v=aFyQ4jGzkn4 = bad gateway
* https://endchan.org/.media/41595ceea870ee8e3c6668c8e924abbc-imagepng.png - ASCII art
* https://endchan.org/.media/db419236e5f343db5140c8b7c7ddc00e-imagepng.png - "research team"
> >>/9305/
> I see links to the Internet Archive. It still shows stuff here at least:
> https://archive.org/details/arch_20240107
> Or is the actually download link or something messing up?
getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ links to these getchan.net links which are dead as 404 not found:
- https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/chat_01-06-2024_191639.zip
- https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/oat_01-06-2024_191639.zip
- https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/rp_01-06-2024_191639.zip