thumbnail of Screenshot from 2024-01-11 06-21-30.png
thumbnail of Screenshot from 2024-01-11 06-21-30.png
Screenshot from... png
(158.54 KB, 1366x768)
Real sad. Those posts may be lost forever. Decline as seen from snapshots on one thread:
1. - basically no problem
2. - no CSS
3. - no CSS, has PHP errors, post body deleted as part of a mass purge or something (which came first, PHP errors or mass deletion of post bodies? for a timeline with 4 chronological list items)

So if I download that site now, what can I get? I could get this: usernames, post times, post subjects, profile pictures, etc., just not post bodies which is like the most important part. Only positive of the mass deletion: don't have to download a million "spam" links. But I could just run grab-site with "--no-offsite-links", so not really a valid point. Image from