I'm glad someone grabbed ml.ponychan.net back in 2020. I have that here:
> $ d=/z1/data/4443494/ml.ponychan.net/warc; ls $d | head -n2; ls $d | tail -n3
> ml.ponychan.net-2020-04-06-3f811776-00000.warc.gz
> ml.ponychan.net-2020-04-06-3f811776-00001.warc.gz
> ml.ponychan.net-2020-10-24-a19dbf8a-00007.warc.gz
> ml.ponychan.net-2020-10-24-a19dbf8a.cdx
> ml.ponychan.net-2020-10-24-a19dbf8a-meta.warc.gz
> $


ponebin.org dumps as of 2023-04-04:
(In the "storage computer" it is also stored at MFS paths "/a/blocks/history/QmaJbZCKT2NFiPujZEiPAhWVvXc7NEe6dgHWMTNCttRjZi/" and "/a/web_raws/ponepaste.org/".)

Read tarball:
> $ vim   >He jabs you with a hoof. "Hey new blood, I got seniority so don't be giving me any lip, you hear?" he says with a smirk.
>  >You roll your eyes and throw your pack on.
>  "Let me get my gloves."
> -Music: https://youtube.com/watch?v=uakPJhG9kYU-
>  >"Okay go!"
>  >You take a running leap over the guard railing of your patio and enter momentary freefall.

I was going to unpin and gc npr music torrent QmZd...VzFj, but due to symlinking .data files it didn't work (false error seen below):
> $ ipfs pin rm QmZdZivuq9znqcbezyRejafMfiws9oiaVjFpw1nggsVzFj
> Error: write [$HOME]/.ipfs/datastore/008041.log: no space left on device
> $ # even though I have hundreds of megabytes free; "ipfs repo gc" ran without errors.
Not a big problem since that is an error in the "server computer" and not the "storage computer". I wonder how I could do this: find all .data files in $IPFS_PATH/blocks/* associated with a CID then manually delete them.