I know that sinking feeling. When the option is gone... or little is left. It can be disheartening and haunting.

> Another sad thing about all of those post bodies being gone: think of all the YouTube links to pony music videos and other videos which may have only existed in pmvtoday.com = all gone now.

The comfort I have here is a somewhat cold one. The great privating of unlisted videos that already occurred probably took out most of the videos that would've been unlisted. 

> I installed it in the other Linux computer. It didn't work in that one. I don't feel like fixing python bullshit or whatever is causing it to not work. 

Different OS and set up? 

> I'll just use the crappy unstable computer,

I have lots of experience with crappy unstable computers! Durring the height of my time archiving here I had:
A Dell D610 Latitude with broken hinges, it couldn't stay on without the plug held in
A Vostro... can't remember model, laptop also, ditto on issues above.
Decent but also old Gateway Tablet PC.
All trying to scramble and save stuff. My Internet even then was shaky and  caring for my grandfather in decline. It was far from a smooth operation or a sane idea. 

Anyway, yeah, I can relate to crappy unstable computer doing archive tasks.