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ziViFWAfVzU local, remote, top, video file at
> >Which was first: Ponibooru or Ponychan?
> I want to say, Ponychan.
. proof 2011-09-23 , ref 2011-07-01 - https://web.archive.org/web/20110923175817/http://www.ponibooru.org/
. proof 2011-02-15 , ref 2011-02-08 - https://web.archive.org/web/20110215033233/http://www.ponychan.net:80/chan/
So it looks like Ponychan was first, which was my guess too.
Had pic related error on that site like a week or two ago.
404 today also
Images from
. https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmcXAT515S3Lb223p5GHqhWexVQ6h22cxpietS9UnK3fFk
. ipfs://bafybeias454lhrn5ge6ysqscvt6akulryaknm2urojvzsbl6mq6fytkumy/pony/res/36834471.html - Rainbow Dash thread in Ponychan
.. lol'd at "Dash_butt_wings.png" a while ago
.. has this text regarding "Email":
... "sage — lets you post without bumping a thread." - everyone knows that
... "nonoko — uses the original post behavior to redirect to the board index." - I don't get it. Update: I guess I get it - you don't stay in the thread right after you make a post.
... text shows up in the no-CSS/JS/thumbs version at https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeias454lhrn5ge6ysqscvt6akulryaknm2urojvzsbl6mq6fytkumy/pony/res/36834471.html