> wonder which YouTube video ID "MLP-Tetris.flv.mp4" is from ... couldn't find it
Maybe search for it in wbm snapshots of YouTube from years ago. >>/9123/ what's the timestamp on MLP-Tetris.flv in your device?
> tint at archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/t/tint/tint_0.07_amd64.deb
Fun subgame to play in that game: fill the bottom 6 rows with random pieces then try to clear it all. Challenging, but I did it.
> It also works on multiple video IDs from a channel, such as...
Other thing I was thinking of doing: view video list of a channel > click on html divs regarding video IDs that I want to download > IDs keep getting appended to clipboard with " " or "\n" delimiter.
> Communist propaganda
On the day of the rope, communists will "ACK!" Video from "Applejack - Get my rope." at
Socialists don't actually want to create wealth. They want to destroy wealth, so that everyone is as miserable as they are.