(1.05 MB, 320x320 h264)
> This 2013 video is kinda interesting - "Feeling Pinkie Keen Review" (joshscorcher):
> http://ng27owmagn5amdm7l5s3rsqxwscl5ynppnis5dqcasogkyxcfqn7psid.onion/watch?v=szTX0Nu2rIY
That guy's "headcanon" in regards to Pinkie Sense reminded me of ideas along the lines of the following quote. Earth ponies have a special connection to the Earth. Bound to the Earth, be wary of those who speak of the otherworldly.
> "'Remain faithful to the earth, my brothers, with the power of your virtue! Let your generous love and your knowledge serve the meaning of the earth! That is what I ask and beseech you. Don't let them fly away from earthly things and beat their wings against walls of eternity! Alas, there has always been so much virtue that has flown astray! Like me, lead your straying virtue back to the earth--yes, back to the body and life, so that it can give the earth its meaning, a human meaning!'" --https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780486437118
> >>/9400/
Endchan bug: self-referential post reply links to a 404 page at https://endchan.org/pone/res/9400.html#9400 . Video from
Those wmic commands work in Windows 7. I guess you are using Windows 10. Can you use stat in Windows Subsystem for Linux which I hear is installed by default?