fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pone] - Endchan Magrathea
thumbnail of QACGr.png
thumbnail of QACGr.png
QACGr png
(129.46 KB, 800x800)
I found a deleted Imgur image which isn't in wbm:
> $ ipfs ls /ipfs/QmfA6WsZ9XhQJUDNtj8u2dhMi7ikd3feKNLGpEppmL9Kg7/archive.org/compress/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked/
> QmSpmoYaoPDVG4KWemGHrGVLU9NaTkeWTRWCv551Rd5YAT 1261421032 Unconfirmed 168564.crdownload
> $ # QmSp...5YAT = part of a ZIP file
> $ # ...extracted: "QACGr.png" from http://i.imgur.com/QACGr.png as of 2012-08-01 00:31:10 -> https://archive.org/download/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked -> ... -> https://archive.org/download/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked/Spread%20Pony%20Legs.zip/Spread%20Pony%20Legs%2FQACGr.png ]

173 MiB of data from IA item ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked is online here, from "lower propagation computer", compressed and inflated:

Or download the whole ~1.5GB thing here, only the compressed files will be downloaded: