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Added pic related sus amogus to Deletedbooru:
> u https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/images/3289499 >d 2024-01-28T12:03:23Z >s >i >t safe, youtube thumbnail, among us, video game, rarity, baby pony, mare, snot, unicorn, human, mop, cotton swab, pony, baby

> YT channel with a focus on PMVs of non-popular pop music tracks
Would be neat if there was a pony music video of "OMYGOD!" by Kate Nash ( ), also an underground pop music track, one that I liked in the past. ("Foundations" by her sounds too British.)

> offline in the past days occasionally
It might be getting OOM'd; it needs likes 400 to 600 MB of free memory, at a minimum.

> or make my own thing
I used more "script kiddie-tier garbage" to do that:
> $ wget -O- | zcat | head --bytes=22111000 | grep -ai -A999111222 "WARC-Target-URI:" > f.bin # grep -A = lines after, but what's an option for only showing the match plus a certian amount of bytes after?
> $ vim f.bin # delete "WARC-Type: request" parts, edit out everything that isn't the wanted "WARC-Type: response"; no ending newline ":set nofixendofline" and save it ":w 5WhciD6T-30813215.m4a"
> $ truncate --size=7183963 5WhciD6T-30813215.m4a # remove last newline byte if needed, filesize was 7,183,963 (check last byte with tail and xxd)
> $ sha1sum 5WhciD6T-30813215.m4a
> db4e684f1ad8d2fa5e583e52c30b127ecdc413be [...]
> $ curl -sL | sha1sum -
> db4e684f1ad8d2fa5e583e52c30b127ecdc413be -
> $ # SHA1 hashes match to wbm
That M4A file was kinda funny. (Pipe into vim: "$ echo something | vim -".) Consideration with grep (works on a file but not a stream, I think):
> -m NUM, --max-count=NUM ; Stop reading a file after NUM matching lines. [ ]
as for "only showing the match plus a certain amount of bytes after", someone said "grep is line based" = can't do that with grep, but you can do " | grep -ai -A1234567890 pattern | head --bytes=1000". I assume grep will quit outputting lines once head reads the top 1K bytes.