*raws and index thereof

> image
added to shitsite
> u https://derpibooru.org/images/3289662 >d 2024-01-28T18:57:48Z >s http://i.imgur.com/pV9O5.png >i >t twilight sparkle, solo, mare, pony, g4, pussy, anus, spread legs, white background, explicit, unicorn

Derpibooru, like other philomena-based boorus, does not support no-derive images. However, it might be possible to get the non-"losslessly optimized" original image immediately after posting. (Also I reset my password on that site because my previous one was somewhat weak.) https://derpibooru.org/api/v1/json/images/3289662 says
> orig_sha512_hash":"e26a6b601b1b6fc28c392cb9f7047ff12ff7a962b5f7fa17dec2453a2f8f6d4df10e801d3f5c08e4ddb6b40482f27dc0f493a297834c750671194f1d3595e073
> "processed":true,"sha512_hash":"e26a6b601b1b6fc28c392cb9f7047ff12ff7a962b5f7fa17dec2453a2f8f6d4df10e801d3f5c08e4ddb6b40482f27dc0f493a297834c750671194f1d3595e073"
so I will have to try a different image if I want to try to catch it.