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>>/9392/ title and source=suspected/confirmed, uploaded=likely uploaded before: > CMC_tribute.flv -> derived /ipfs/QmYkhbrMEdnS3zYG6VbUUkLZRga3QVVvbDvYFEuMBLox3p title: The Cutie Mark Crusaders sing "Tribute" source: youtube-WS0P_mVRQTM webpage: notes: >>/9478/ > MLP-Tetris.flv -> d /ipfs/Qmdf9aE4rsFMXRcDdthizLpN2yvuqYJZFzgYK2ZcbbGytM?filename=MLP-Tetris.flv.mp4 title: The complete history of Soviet Equestria arranged to the Melody of Tetris source: youtube-YMFVY57dksE webpage: none uploaded: before 2012-11-05 notes: lots of metadata missing, like the uploader. (I have a new high score in "tint Tetris": 3132.) > MLP_21stEquCur.mp4 -> /ipfs/QmPK3dJnAx6s6tqMexp6dzdV45J7Z3F6vsrcX4AqZ1iDTx retitled: 21st Century Cure by Terrance Zdunich (SFM) source: unknown webpage: unknown uploaded: before notes: lyrics at File from > /z9/put/z8-put-gd-from_gdrive-reskey-adder.user.js_file/0meta/,modifiedDate,modifiedByMeDate,lastViewedByMeDate,fileSize,owners(kind,permissionId,id),lastModifyingUser(kind,permissionId,id),hasThumbn > Modify: 2023-11-27 23:25:10.022884285 +0000 about a deleted folder: > [not in wbm,, desuarchive] > "mimeType": "application/", > "owners": {"kind": "drive#user","permissionId": "05899559062444116702","id": "107968794583986798767" > "title": "MLP", > "createdDate": "2013-03-05T21:39:56.619Z", > "modifiedDate": "2016-01-02T04:02:15.729Z", > "quotaBytesUsed": "0", > "version": "311198", > "resourceKey": "0-KB68b6VYvDj3De1TxT-7sQ" Seems like I didn't do a folder pass on "./from_gdrive-reskey-adder.user.js_file/", so I don't have it. This > ht tps:// {api key} now says > "code": 404[...]"message": "File not found: 0-KB68b6VYvDj3De1TxT-7sQ" Perhaps I would have got it before it died if I had more and computer resources at the time. Also I was busy downloading a bajillion bytes from Google Drive folders linked from /mlp/ back then. (So basically, give me money.)