> http://gothub.dev.pjsfkvpxlinjamtawaksbnnaqs2fc2mtvmozrzckxh7f3kis6yea25ad.onion/llmora/zip_parser
This didn't work on partially-downloaded ZIP file "rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip" from GETChan. It also didn't work on complete ZIP files "anonfilly-windows.zip" and "fillyastray-linux.zip" ( https://web.archive.org/web/20240103045325/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmRDKXUdkZmZXs2xF7cm1bjoBS3NrW9xX5CrgSToWZbBdY/ ). I used "zip_parser.py" before in Windows 7 on ZIP(s) that I made, and it worked. I guess it doesn't work on all types of ZIP files. So, use a different parser or use xxd (hexdump) to get all of the file paths.
Temp share of The_Equestrians_Sopranos_Ponified_Opening-The_Ferbguy-20200401-youtube-1920x1080-n0arei_zSk0.*: