> Or, is there a way to have one file which looks like this: 256K (first block), 256K, 200K, 256K, 256K, 6K, 256K, 256K, 80K, ..., 256K, 100K (last block/chunk).
I think so, which means that padding isn't needed - example:$ ipfs cat Qmf8A87kqcJQmE5j16c2ioGsbnpEgKeq9j6GikkTdXZnQY | ipfs files write --create /a/test
$ ipfs files ls --long /a
test QmSMuCi6ApHsBcQNPSdW2y5SZ6McQjuW7pzrkUQzCXDB6c 4
$ ipfs cat Qmf8A87kqcJQmE5j16c2ioGsbnpEgKeq9j6GikkTdXZnQY; echo
$ ipfs cat QmUonHZDpph17wShobAH2q3di13RZV3xsueFfrdog7PG1G; echo
$ ipfs cat QmSMuCi6ApHsBcQNPSdW2y5SZ6McQjuW7pzrkUQzCXDB6c; echo # trickle dag
$ ipfs cat QmUonHZDpph17wShobAH2q3di13RZV3xsueFfrdog7PG1G | ipfs files write --offset=4 /a/test
$ ipfs files ls --long /a
test QmRw3iV2ucbeJ8UqSqVu6FHW3YMxvjYaVix5FWTSPrKzEg 8
$ ipfs ls QmRw3iV2ucbeJ8UqSqVu6FHW3YMxvjYaVix5FWTSPrKzEg
QmVaMXfNhaQpyp42Ys1C3ggS2EzWfK8iw83dw4VeuT36YC 4
Qmc9xETb7kRPGD7tsnVCyUNdZwuE9vqhrRWw2eMCYJGRhj 4
$ ipfs cat QmVaMXfNhaQpyp42Ys1C3ggS2EzWfK8iw83dw4VeuT36YC; echo # trickle-dag
$ ipfs cat Qmc9xETb7kRPGD7tsnVCyUNdZwuE9vqhrRWw2eMCYJGRhj; echo # trickle-dag
$ ipfs cat QmPqnnwCZrF7qUdFgQ5WVZECWZWQcsw2a3wfVDiTDUukyi | ipfs files write --offset=4 /a/test
$ ipfs files ls --long /a
test QmdCGo4SJWTPBErZQf5RdJi8UCfJAHk1wuuaqjZnp3zrUk 262148
$ ipfs ls QmdCGo4SJWTPBErZQf5RdJi8UCfJAHk1wuuaqjZnp3zrUk
QmVaMXfNhaQpyp42Ys1C3ggS2EzWfK8iw83dw4VeuT36YC 4
QmWf1cFjZFkgzLGrqYLziUU8RMuX79sAQoiVttHseGwTtp 262140
$ ipfs cat QmPpc2LEDVPNasHURYBQmQC7qNqF8bhicptNoXjHMoVkQF | xxd
00000000: 8950 4e47 .PNG
$ ipfs cat -l 14 QmWf1cFjZFkgzLGrqYLziUU8RMuX79sAQoiVttHseGwTtp | xxd
00000000: 0d0a 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452 0000 ........IHDR..
What fetish? Without an ID or URL, there's less of a connection to the past, less of a continuity. Having the data is nice, but having the data plus metadata is better. (Imagine having a physical book, but all the material indicating its title has been lost; a title could be made up to refer to that book, but that title would be inherently less authentic than the original title that once existed for that book that the author wrote.) IDs/URLs can also help users who are looking for a copy of that deleted YouTube video; for now it can be found from SEO or something, but in the future, perhaps I or someone will make it find-able by better SEO/whatever thanks to our research. Some images from$ ffmpeg -i RarityDubStepKill.mp4 -r 1/10 RarityDubStepKill.mp4-%2d.jpg