> the original ponibooru.org
I see something about ponibooru.org raws of basically all of the image file upload webpages. Raws:
It asks for CSS and JS at "/path/to/file.ext", not "./path/to/file.ext". Therefore, it only loads the JS+CSS in a context where you control the root folders/files:
. works: https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmPVHsK2Kzk4dYfUyULbQqfDGay8RwiLyzGCiamGnCkvro/34766.html -> redirects to https://[cid].ipfs.cf-ipfs.com/34766.html
. works: ipfs://bafybeiarcjmvarsgfcwli7dapxbo7dkfg6375pzmclckpgfzccenhgvqaq/34766.html
. fails: https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/QmPVHsK2Kzk4dYfUyULbQqfDGay8RwiLyzGCiamGnCkvro/34766.html - because root=/ipfs/
. CAR: https://ipfs-comet.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmPVHsK2Kzk4dYfUyULbQqfDGay8RwiLyzGCiamGnCkvro?format=car
. source: http://ponibooru.org/post/view/34766
If the goal is static webpages, then you gotta rewrite the webpages anyways to get the images files to work, may as well change "/path" references to "./path". ( Something about fluffy ponies, IDK: https://web.archive.org/web/20120722045028/ponibooru.org/post/view/166330 )