fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pone] - Endchan Magrathea
thumbnail of 5027 - Photofunia bronies.jpg
thumbnail of 5027 - Photofunia bronies.jpg
5027 - Photofunia... jpg
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thumbnail of 5196 - pinkie_pie charlie_the_unicorn Cupcakes artist_CYB3RWASTE surgery twilight_sparkle.png
thumbnail of 5196 - pinkie_pie charlie_the_unicorn Cupcakes artist_CYB3RWASTE surgery twilight_sparkle.png
5196 - pinkie_pie... png
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> Ponibooru Restored version ... at QmbY...iusu
shimmie.js uses the text from that one JSON from ~years ago which was encoded with urlencode by Andrew McNab (Andrew.McNab@manchester.ac.uk). I'm gonna hunt down and murder whichever Stackoverflow user suggested that urlencode be used because that sucks. If the text has out-of-range bytes then it unfaithfully represents it with 0xFF. Example:
> id5136url:"https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/1-10000/5136%20-%20ponified%20mo%2B%FF%FF%FF%20Shinobu%20No_More_Heroes%20scarlet_jacobs%20Shinobu_Jacobs%20video_game%20artist_samutoka.jpg",source5136:"Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack"

I made a newer version of the JSON with better URL encoding (I used python or something), but I'm not sure where that file is. Images from ponibooru.org