Part of what prompted me to make that post: watching https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=NDkmG3OtRsc&list=PLVmM0UVcquYLx7mnB2WvG3-n1EXCI6GTd&index=48&autoplay=1 "Maximum Difficulty Randomly Generated Level! - Creeper World 4" in which some guy says stupid things. It's a recording of a livestream of Wanderbots playing a video game. Two dumb things he talks about: "politics" and "content moderation". My bias: I don't like Wanderbots; I don't like his ideas and attitudes towards various things, and I don't like his politics. He goes on about how "content creators" and video game livestreamers should talk about social issues. Of course he would say that. He's in the camp that social justice warrior invading the gaming space years ago is and was a good thing. And similar to communism, socialists need socialism worldwide in order for socialism to "work". What does he even accomplish by blabbing about recent events and politics? 1: Annoys those who disagree with him. 2: Preach to the choir for those who agree with him. 3: Convince an infinitesimally small group of people who are "on the fence".

A more extreme version of him, or maybe he'll end up this way: the Postmodern philosopher. The Postmodern philosophy professor is apparently supposed to spend all day "teaching" his students about all the "woes" of identity politics in recent times. Instead of actually teaching philosophy. The only sin on the left is not being left enough. Therefore, their shit has gotta be a part of every damn thing. His small impact on changing minds is worth it in his view. I think it is funny how left-wing ideas need a whole society and control of some many information organs thereof in order to succeed. It has to be in the minds of everyone everywhere all the time. Much of it is too unnatural. Not to say what nature is is completely good, but there has to be some balance. But I digress, the point is that I don't want to hear about politics from ANY side when watching some dude play video games.

"G-grow up! Politics is everywhere!" Doesn't have to be, it's up to the decision of whoever to talk about it. I'll keep being annoyed by it or hopefully just ignore it in the future. I am pretty sure "content creators" would make more money and be more successful if they didn't talk about politics, but it is up to them to determine what they value ("muh social responsibility").

"Content moderation" - the only use of being an Internet janitor is this: shaping a community to be in some way OR doing the bare minimum. My view is that doing the minimum is really the only particularly useful thing. Shaping a community is pretty much a waste of time and useless. I suppose it is useful in making various Internet communities different from each other, but too often than not I see it being overly-used to make a hugbox. Doing the bare minimum is doing stuff like deleting images and videos that are, on their face, illegal in most or all countries. Moderating text-only user-generated content is pretty much always a waste of time. I could write more on this, but this is already TL;DR as it is.