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>  Considering how anemic the board is at times, this might be a comfortable pace for anyone interested
I've always been a slower kinda guy, used to be I'd check 8chan once a week and that was my dash basically. Dropped off even further since then, but the more relaxed approach always felt oddly comfy in some ways. Somewhere inbetween a BBS and a physical-letter mail group.
I'm a bit behind since I'll be starting out with episode one, but I might just watch some episodes without reviewing them to catch up, I'll see how I feel about it. I started rewatching some of the old pony fan content that I used to like and that got me to at long last try Equestria Girls, and that little taste of pony finally reawakened some of the old feelings in me. When did it end again...? 2019 a search says, I can scarcely believe it. Does that mean it's been half a decade since I've watched MLP? 
I'd need to really double-check that, but I'll go with it for now. I haven't touched the show at all since that tearful goodbye I gave to it that I shared here with you guys. I'm going to go a little all-out and personal with these reviews, which I hope people don't mind (just tell me if you do, I'll alter my style) - partly because often when I have revisited this board, it's initially to reread my old posts, since that's how I put my thoughts about this big part of my life together and in order. 
Back when I was a snotty little teen I watched some of those pony thread simulators, and it piqued my curiousity but I didn't want to watch the show directly since that'd make me 'like those weirdoes', so I started with Friendship is Witchcraft. Then I got to the end... And wanted more. So I rewatched it. Felt empty at the end again. Rewatched it again. With a sinking feeling (and a budding sense of attraction towards Twilight that I was desperately trying to deny and suppress, a portent of things to come) that I HAD to watch the show properly now, otherwise I'd never feel satisfied. So I jumped on in...
And it was this first episode that hooked me straightaway, I knew I was on the ride fully after watching it. 
I remember I said that I wished The Last Problem had been just one last classic episode, with the journal and everything, with some relevance to the end of the show but basically a flashback episode. Well, this isn't quite that but it does seem fitting that I both started and ended the show with a lingering desire for more of that classic season 1 MLP. 
With that said, I'll jump right in and give my thoughts afterward. First time seeing it in probably more than 5 years, I hadn't rewatched it recently when I saw the finale, and the first episode of the show I'll have seen since the finale. 
(The folder you guys generously gave me was on the other laptop, so I'll just post screenshots throughout.)
Alright, well... Time to jump back in.