> The place is just so comfy and I find Twilight alone in the bed looking up at the looming threat haunting.
> But upon watching this again for my review here: my new favorite scene is the one back in Twilight Sparkle’s tower at Canterlot Castle.
Excellent taste - but I am biased, as these are my two favourite too. I always found her tower extremely comfy - I love skylights and big open-view windows, they feel immensely contemplative. When I'm near one on a sunny day with a vibrant blue sky and clouds floating majestically by, I find I want to be quiet, in a sort of reverent manner. If I had the words I'd encapsulate the feeling it gives me, but whatever it is, it's perfectly placed here. The forboding nature of Nightmare's return seems perfectly paired with this sensation, somehow. As for looking out at the moon from Golden Oaks, I was thinking while watching that about how it's so late in the night that it's nearly time for the sun to rise. Made me think of back when I was a kid and we'd have to travel so early in the morning to catch ferries or flights to go on holiday that it would still be dark when we left home. The cold of the night combined with the feeling of setting out on a journey often beat out the holiday in terms of enjoyment for me - it was an utterly electrifying but also very comfy feeling that I love to taste again whenever I can. I hadn't gotten that impression from the scene any previous times I watched it, but that realisation that it was in fact early morning in the show in that scene made me connect those two, which even moreso put me into Twilight's... Hooves. I almost feel like I can exactly pinpoint the emotions she'd be feeling, heading out into the chill night air to go to the center of town.

I should have put those first two images with this post... but ah well, it's all kind of a run-on thing anyways. And I haven't even gotten into the second part yet - I watched it all in one go but didn't take any screenshots for part 2.