thumbnail of 133246 - jack_nicholson macro The_Shining pinkie_pie party.png
thumbnail of 133246 - jack_nicholson macro The_Shining pinkie_pie party.png
133246 -... png
(1.73 MB, 500x2157)
Long task to automatically verify the files by file (as opposed to by piece, which spans across files, in BitTorrent) did not complete: ended by reboot. I verified the rest of them manually: found 100 mismatches. Bright side: did a thing to more quickly check variadic various stuff manually. What I did in the past:
> '$ h="something1"', '$ cmd "$h"', '$ h="something2"', '$ cmd "$h"', etc.
Quicker method:
> '$ read -p "Enter text: " h', '[input text]', '$ cmd "$h"', '$ read -p "
Enter text: " h', '[input text]', '$ cmd "$h"', etc
= 5 fewer keystrokes. Real examples:
$ # older:
$ h="98294 - rarity artist:brianblackberry.png"
$ sqlite3 -column -header -csv -cmd "select * from images where md5sum=\"$(md5sum "$h" | sed "s/ .*//g")\";foobar" -bail $path1/meta.sqlite 2>/dev/null
98294,fc026712961fead7b390e667a149a3c1,png,Anonymous,"artist:brianblackberry rarity",,safe,"2011-12-14 09:41:44.510538",gallery_69_17_44320.png,642,826,448227,"98294 - rarity artist:brianblackberry.png",1
$ h="61297 - g1_backstory g1 Moondancer.jpg"
$ [sqlite3...showed no results for hash of file 61297*]
$ # newer:
$ sqlite3 -column -header -csv -cmd "select * from images where md5sum=\"$(md5sum "$h" | sed "s/ .*//g")\";foobar" -bail $path1/meta.sqlite 2>/dev/null
24149,5ddacb3770921123dc417c5595620b42,png,Anonymous,"artist:sanguiniuschan rarity",,safe,"2011-06-13 20:18:23",drink_special_by_chistery_by_sanguiniuschan-d3ip3uz.png,1032,774,265116,"24149 - artist:sanguiniuschan rarity.png",0
$ read -p "Enter a filename: " h
Enter a filename: 169759 - Madame_Pinkie_Pie gypsy_magic fortune_teller crystal_ball pinkie_pie animated.gif
$ [sqlite3...showed no results for hash of file 169759*]
I wish that qBittorrent had a thing to only recheck missing torrent pieces. That could be programmed in, and it probably wouldn't mess up verification of the top-level infohash. Otherwise, lots of I/O gets wasted.

Also, whoever made those torrents like a decade ago: thanks for applying a piece size of 256K. A larger piece size would have been more of a headache to deal with, I think. Image from that website.