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>>/9765/ > Excellent taste - but I am biased, as these are my two favourite too. Wow, neat, I find some admirers of it but seems more of a secondary interest to most. > I love skylights and big open-view windows, they feel immensely contemplative. When I'm near one on a sunny day with a vibrant blue sky and clouds floating majestically by, I find I want to be quiet, in a sort of reverent manner. If I had the words I'd encapsulate the feeling it gives me, but whatever it is, it's perfectly placed here. Are you me!? Gosh, I am not sure what to say other than I get that very well. Some of my most haunting memories with early fandom G4 was in my mother's old secondary room where I would just stand at the window and stair out while passively thinking on pony stuff (not the only thing subject and my mind would often drift). > I should have put those first two images with this post... but ah well, it's all kind of a run-on thing anyways. And I haven't even gotten into the second part yet - I watched it all in one go but didn't take any screenshots for part 2. For me, my posts are often bookends snuck inbetween busy times and can come out a little rough (see above) so it isn't a big deal. If you didn't post any pictures ever it wouldn't matter. >>/9786/ > The fact that these events are a catalyst for everything that comes afterward makes the first episode feel more like a glimpse into a before-time, a different era before eventually the world got so shaken up by everything that came after it, and that in itself is enticing. I can get that appeal. It is a glimpse to a world that is simpler and comfier than even Season 1 (or at least, could be argued). One with simple and mundane adventures and a lot of slice of life. > it’s all the stuff I missed or didn’t remember as clearly that becomes much more interesting. Know this feeling, with FiM and otherwise. > the rope bridge I can only assume was built much later, I can’t see wood lasting for 1000 years in even as good a condition as it appears in the episode and besides I've wondered, with how much fear the ponies showed of the Everfree who put it there and why. It seems somepony somebody would have to be doing more than adventuring and scouting around and had to have some business that was recurrent. > and Celestia simply left them there as they were after the battle, probably due to grief over the loss of her sister. My thoughts as well, minus the possibility of Celestia having her connection severed or them becoming unmoveable from the fight. A subtext that I don't think is there but fits with them being giant stones and possibly fits with lore later. Alright, sorry for the somewhat long and rambling reply. I ought to post the Ticket Master review soon. Again, this kind of thing is no rush but I will try to keep a tempo to it.