Working on a website per-URL is a pain enough. That would require per-URL and per-status.
> My Little Pony Season 5 Episode 26-720p.mp4
I didn't notice this before: in that episode of FIM, young Rainbow Dash said "Aww, man!". Alternate timeline where a brony went to Equestria? Likely from PonyTube, the SHA1 hash of that file is 5897f4acb62cfcd6527549d0acfc79bcadfb3841 . BTW, I have LPC checking this number for PrimeNet:
. https://www.mersenne.org/M76804397
.. https://www.mersenne.org/report_exponent/?exp_lo=76804397&full=1
. https://www.mersenne.ca/exponent/76804397 = 2^{76804397}-1 (LaTeX)