> me and L23
I'm really sorry for forgetting this, but what do you go by again? I remember L23's name but whenever I think "I should check back on end/pone/ again" I can't remember yours.
> I do not mind screenshots, but, the folders are still online btw!
Aha! Thank you! I do have a big folder of pony-related pics on this computer actually, buuuut it's all related to a wordfiltered pony so I didn't want to risk breaking rules or alienating others by using those images.
> (the old adult fandom of collectors with nostalgia for the cartoons sometimes fought us, but I don't know many details)
I happened to know one, a friend of my father. He just wholeheartedly converted to the new Brony culture essentially, but it gave my father the confusion that the term Brony predated G4, since he'd known that his friend was into ponies wayyy before G4. 
> Like, her name, Twilight she is touched by the darkness of night somewhere in there.
That would be incredibly clever, but I recently read somewhere that the reason so many old generation names (e.g Applejack) were used is because Hasbro gave the creative team a pre-approved megalist of names to use. Twilight Sparkle was also a fairly prominent G1 pony iirc, she plays a big part in the pilot at least. I rewatched a bunch of G1 recently, it's weird that Twilight and Spike actually debuted together right at the very beginning of MLP in general, not just G4. 
> Are you me!? Gosh, I am not sure what to say other than I get that very well. Some of my most haunting memories with early fandom G4 was in my mother's old secondary room where I would just stand at the window and stair out while passively thinking on pony stuff
I'm afraid I may have to make you jealous here: I live in a top floor apartment where EVERY ONE of my windows is a skylight through the roof. I'm living the dream, some days I just cloudwatch. 
> I've wondered, with how much fear the ponies showed of the Everfree who put it there and why.
It's developed more later but I don't want to skip ahead in the series just to check: so at this stage I've got three possibilities. 
1. Nightmare Moon
This one seems most obvious to me since she manipulates the Everfree to try and stop the ponies
2. Discord
It's chaotic, sort of self-explanatory.
3. Celestia
It's possible she herself created not only the daunting forest but the strong fear surrounding it, so as to protect the Elements. 
> I ought to post the Ticket Master review soon.
I'll get started on my rewatch and noting down my thoughts, too.