Don't have to encode \ or " because it's already escaped in the JSON/array and is delivered by JS-string->HTML->img-src. Would need to be percent-encoded if it was directly written in HTML->img-src. Well, that's half true, it handles " but does not handle \ correctly (so encode to %5c). What does need to be escaped in the JSON that isn't already is % -> %25 such as
> Ponibooru-All-Explicit/124182 - blowjob now_with_20%:more_wings askr34rainbowdash clop rainbow_dash penis big_macintosh porn.png
Nice thing about getting a blowjob from a mare: their snouts should be long enough that you can put your entire erection into her.
> Ponibooru-All-Explicit/56967 - submissive flutterslave cute_porn S\u0026M artist:buttercupsaiyan fluttershy domination need_to_fap_now nudity.jpg
Haha, someone tagged the other image as "need_to_fap_now". \u0026 in JS string decodes to & in href/src