thumbnail of InterestingStyle.gif
thumbnail of InterestingStyle.gif
InterestingStyle gif
(6.01 MB, 1280x853)
Wow, impressed. No apologies on dragging your feet at all, especially considering some of us around. With the exception of archivist lately, most contributors to /go/ seem to have some issue IRL or with the internet or something.

> He isn't going to host images but said he'll figure out how to get the ones for the pony boards sometime.

Taking about ponychan images or /pone/? If the latter I'd be impressed.

Also, know anything on the status of /flutter/? I wonder if that was dumped. 

In any case, thank you! 

 >>/9842/ was very weird and very broken. I suspect someone probably broke something at some point or file corruption might be the cause of that.