> $ TZ=UTC wget https://derpy.me/static/derpy.tar.xz -O- | tar -xJ # extracted version
It's in the below folder. That tarball is missing derpy.me short URLs after 2023-02-15.
> copyright-deleted IA item which probably had the same files as that torrent
Here's some PDF files from this deleted archive.org upload https://archive.org/details/hxhunter - in this:
. it's a folder
. says "153 MB", but blockstore/dedup size is 76 MB
. CAR file is here for 24hr: https://put.icu/g4oegr5y.file

> I didn't notice this before: in that episode of FIM, young Rainbow Dash said "Aww, man!". Alternate timeline where a brony went to Equestria?
In FIM season 5 episode 3, Spike said:
> $ grep -liar "\bman\b" . # searching folder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTKWyQjynAcATtfWuVZVDF7xgLbU7E9PPYNsm7xjFyPzM
> [...]
> $ grep -B2 -ia "\bman\b" "./Google_Play_fim_subs/Season 5, Volume 1/subtitles/My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - Castle Sweet Castle.en.srt"
> 222
> 00:10:26,858 --> 00:10:28,928
> Man, this place looks terrible!
> $ # Episode "Castle Sweet Castle": https://vid.lilay.dev/redirect?referer=/watch?v=MGMZMuS8uw0

Another problem with https://archive.org/details/ is this: if the uploader of an item intentionally sets its visibility to noindex, then there is zero guarantee that it will remain unindexed in the future. Months or years after upload, that item could show up in searches due to some higher-privileged IA user/bot setting it to be indexed (publicly visible) against the uploader's wishes. This is unlike YouTube, where unlisted videos remain unlisted, except in that one mass purge where many unlisted videos became private videos. Archive.org went in the other direction: making unlisted uploads public uploads. Therefore, just don't upload sensitive data to archive.org.