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> Radiance was astonished and she didn't expect Frost would see her meeting with Jack,a royal guard who protects from the Castle of the Two Sisters 
> She got herself thinking if she would see Frost back again
> tears were spreading through her face, now having a slight expectation of inestability
> inestability for herself? In psychological terms,she was done.

> The following night,she didn't go and reunite with her friends. She had told them that she was not prepared to proceed as usual. They understood her and said that she could come whenver she is ready.
> Radiance was a pony with rollercoaster periods of privacy.Even though many bats didn't see her during the day,with her friends she made justice to her name, during Midnight.
> The moon put her as a natural symbol of representing the night. Many bats saw her attractive and with the recent joining of normal ponies into the bat realm, they concluded in the same aspects about her.
> She is shy after the midnight,reserved when she doesn't feel like goving everything out of her. She had learned how to be honest because of her father:Charcoal Dash during her childhood years. She had received good lessons and his father held an important position and even, read some of the stories of the royalty. Those lessons were effective for her daughter and while she didn't go to school, she learned how to feel like an element(in the apple territory)

> Radiance,two weeks after that recent diplomacy with ponies, saw an unicorn who complemented her colours. A pony which seemed like the other side of the orange.
> This happened during the sunrise, she was not as radiant as she would in her shining period.