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PoLS (Proof of Life Shitpost) Uncertain when I'll get review out but should be in the next few days. Will read and respond better then. 

> I thought I saw a more recent reference Sunset Shimmer that autocorrected it. Well, I just said her name so we'll see, I suppose.

See, LOL. If anything anti-Sunset Summer I can recall was my comments here a few months ago: >>/8859/ Though that is just a personal "technology and ponies" thing as opposed to a strong hatred of the setting. 

> I have to confess... I really loved EQG. The barebones structure is basically an average high school anime, and then it's got the show's energy injected into it. I've seen shows in the same vein but I still think by comparison that EQG manages to retain something uniquely pony. 

Might want you to go more into this, if you want to, sometime. I don't mind seeing new perspectives. 

> Anyways, if it's allowed I'll tentatively post a Sunny, though I'll be careful to keep it to pony-Sunny.

Pony Sunset is 100% okay for sure, and I appreciate your consideration.  Though, as long as you weren't blindly spaming EQG on every thread and shitposting back and forth in a /mlp/ barbiefag versus MARES! kind of way I don't see the problem with the occasional EQG pic in the same way anthro is sometimes posted around here. 

> The issue with what Faust did for the franchise is that it's much harder to repeat now that she's already done a lot of what works and rehashing it wouldn't get many folks on board. I was trying to think how I'd even follow it up in Hasbro's shoes and frankly a lot of what I concluded basically HAD to be done was what they put in gen 5.

Another, the subversion of expectations that G4 had; it didn't have to be the most amazing thing in the universe to catch people off guard and be excited but G4 was way better than anyone would've expected, while G5 has a much higher bar to pass, at least when being compared to G4, because of G4's existence, for better or worse.

> Ah yes, with the Benny Hill music. Might be the first reference in the show? I could see it endearing adult viewers a bit on their first time through.

I remember it for a later episode in Season 1 moreso than here, so this is was something of a mild surprise that  it was here first.