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> "So,Radiance, what is this mess?Why have you come to me again? Weren't you supposed to be around with your stallion?" said Frost with a despective tone > "i am sorry Frost. You haven't listened to me properly,you were impatient and I didn't have the chance to say it" Radiance said. "Say what? That you are a disgusting bat, crazy and messing around with the ponies. This is why you bats are untrust pieces worth of the Tantabus. Celestia shouldn't have forgiven you for what you are. I have seen what I have needed to see and you have no excuse to fake what I have seen" responded Frost. > "Frost,let me explain it,please!" exclaimed Radiance > "Come on,say it! Betray me again! Just like you do all the times! Betray me and put your hooves down like a fucking bitch you are" said Frost > "I....I am" said Radiance > "What?" Frost said with surprise. > "I... am actually one. I don't get offended because of what you have said..." Radiance asnwered with honesty >" Frost asked > "I have sold myself with other ponies. I have done it since I started my adulthood" Radiance took a deep breath... > "When bats were banned into the dark realm,we were pretty scarce on resources. My dad Charcoal,had died because of shadow Timberwolves,corrupted wolves that menaced the castle ten years ago. He saved us and cleaned the Everfree Forest with his sacrifice. The guard tropes were never found and either you fought for self defense, or we were done" > "Things were tense until Celestia opened us the door of redemption. We were used to it but the tension was still there. With my father gone, I didn't know what to do for making more bits. You could suffer a lot of hunger if you didn't save yourself first in that decadent situation. Jack is one of those high figures who has helped me economically and one of my most loyal customers. Pretty much,all the town knew I was selling myself out during the midnight" "My friends I normally hang on are my coworkers. We ended up as friends because we had to help each other for the food. We weren't evil at all and we built strong friendships. If there was one thing Celestia was wrong,it was confusing darkness with evil. The bats I have dealed with are no different from you. I have had customers of all kinds.Everybody enjoys me during the midnight and I send suggestive radiations of pleasure when the moon shines. That's where I have received this name." "Radiance..." said Frost. > "I don't need to be a prostitute because of resources now, the world of harmony has brought new ponies and I am more stable economicalll than I had been back then. Nonetheless, I am still doing it because I have it in my veins,ponies enjoy seeing me like this so I have this make-up all the time. I have been known as this character.and so the prostitute soul iis with me. I have been praised for attracting tthat tourism and so bats have received the best times of ourselves." > "So Jack was....?"Frost asked > "If you are asking, I have not betrayed you. The energetic looks were simply part of my job and he has paid me a lot. He said earlier during the night that I have been doing it pretty well,not only as a prostitute but as bat figure as well."