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Fancfic: Midnight Radiance, a reserved prostitute.
I basically didn't know that the pony I posted was suggestive. Almost all the images from her look like this. How many times has she been the clop material for previous bat threads in /mlp/?
She doesn't have any other purpose than being the model of the month from the catalog. All the stallions she appears with in Derpi,are random ponies,save Frost in which they include a shipping tag.
I didn't know what to write about her from this. I have reused the lines of Reservstions and actually put them into a fic,especially on this post >>/994/. They are her confession,justifying her actions.
Her character and purpose is proof of a beautiful lie that could lead into these conflicts.A lie full of truth because of survival. After the seapony line >>/636/, a dark era happened(this was my project I had in mind:The Comforts of Darkness) and this story fits after the Summer Sun celebration and Luna Eclipsed. Bats were canonized as a diplomatic race in the latest comics along with gryphons,hippogriffs,dragons, changelings,yaks and deers.Not a good comkc but enough to make clear and canon this setting.
So with the bats reinserted again into the world of Harmony with Luna's lead, they keep their routines but accept ponies into their territory. Between the tourists,Frost comes into the scene.
This may have a lot of similarities with the seapony fic. That one was focused on the fear of drowning and discovering what makes us incomfortable, by reaching it, you become better and more ckmfortanle than before.This piece however, is about a sexualized pony and her role. How to explain she is the way she looks and without using fetishes in mind, the hardest part was her context. While one was insightful to his death,this focuses on corrupted roles,eventually accepting it as part of her freedom and character.
Again, I didn't plan to write about her yet, I finally ended with the love story she deserved.