> I see Hal and Alex, plus many more, disinformation, sprinkled with something that sounds plausible as LOOSH. 
They definitely do fear-monger!

> corporate did not want to make us well, they want us to make them money.
Hopefully that will be something, of many, that will change soon. POTUS is allowing the VA to really be overhauled in a meaningful way. I watched a stellar interview by Epoch Times series on American Thought Leaders with the new head of the VA. It was really encouraging and a bit surprising how open-minded about different kinds of treatment (he was talking about PTSD) this guy was: aromatherapy, tai chi, massage all sorts of non-allopathic modalities.

There is hope!

> Staying positive and depending on God for all is best learned when l have just enough. 
That's something we (Americans at least) have seemingly lost: sense of satisfaction with what we have.
Not to be confused with complacency and slacking, but contentment is very freeing and is the opposite of the manic drive to consumer ever more/larger/fancier/ultra/Premium/PLATINUM.