'I personally believe this is why the President and his lawyers are doing it. Through the civil suit, they’ll have the right of discovery to get records they could never access in any other way—like the letter above.

By then, Trump’s team will have enough evidence in the civil suit to refer the defendants for criminal prosecution by the Dept. of Justice.

In the Deep State’s current state of mania, an assassination attempt is not only likely but perhaps inevitable.  I predict they will have one of their insiders still in the White House do it, or a foreign team (CIA trained) do the hit on his helicopter. Not a single CIA, DOJ, NSA, DNI or Secret Service leftover from Barack Hussein Obama should be allowed near him and then all 17 illegal spy agencies that have so disgraced my nation should be shaken up or even better, shut down.

No other leader in my nation’s history would have the audacity to take on these evil forces—or have a chance of winning other than Donald Trump—and they will do everything possible to take him out before he gets them.

In my opinion, we’ll either have a presidential funeral followed by a descent into the darkness of Socialism, or a brighter and better day with dozens of Deep Staters eating institutional food and wearing orange for life.

I’m praying for Door #2.'

> idk about you, but i'm too busy to reply to shills, kek
> i jus hide'em