> That's been the message of Buddhism for thousands and thousands of years.
> Grow, improve, forgive, become pure, ascend.
> Others find the same power in trying to be like Christ, and to follow His teachings: to grow, to improve, to forgive, and to become pure that you may live forever in his kingdom (ascend).
> You either evolve your consciousness and "beat the game" or you get recycled / damnation.
> The choice will be yours.

Anon, although growing, improving and forgiving are admirable, there is no possibility to become pure through human effort. Ascending to godhood through individual effort is the common theme of all the world's religions, and it is a lie. In spite of all one's best efforts, one will still possess a sinful nature (it will betray your efforts of godliness on a daily basis - you know this to be true if you are honest with yourself). The only path to righteousness has been provided by God Himself through Christ - "No man comes to the Father but through Me."