> War Room is not here right now
> It's up to us to pick up the torch
I know. I was thinking about that earlier today. I don't have social accounts anywhere, BUT, it can't be that hard to replicate what they were doing, right?
IIRC, the main thrust of what they were doing:
-monitor top twitter trends
hashtags, monitor our hashtags, find hashtags to hijack
-monitor the 'reach' of certain memes or hashtags
-monitor accounts (Q friendly, POTUS, US MIL branches, Press Secy, "stealth" accounts, POTUS schedule and a few others) to let us know what they are saying
---> If ANYTHING, these accounts send US messages, so instead of trying to force POTUS tweets to "delta" with anons posts, we should pay attention to those twitter accounts (not for deltas, but comms)
-keep info on social media 'best practices'
what works, what doesn't, when to tweet, how to link accounts, gain followers, avoid shadowbanning, etc.
-keep info on making memes
advice, feedback, 'blanks' for making memes, etc.
These guys would do their analytics and post them, showing when our tweets/memes were most effective (time of day, day of week). They were professionals (it seemed to me). (I miss them)
That's what I remember about War Room, others can chime in and add to this, or more & better ideas (please do)