thumbnail of John Podesta ft. Caillou - Growing up.mp4
thumbnail of John Podesta ft. Caillou - Growing up.mp4
John Podesta ft.... mp4
(1.39 MB, 640x360 h264)
> Tool
What a name for a band, eh?
You should really listen to the song, anon.
Time for you to learn of Buddhism, Taoism, even Christianity, anon. These concepts are *extremely* Biblical. 
The source isn't my imagination, it's someone else's entirely. They enjoy Watching.
How does it put 99% in the hospital? Well, it's pretty daunting being told your whole purpose is to seek re-communion, to ascend to the next plane, that everything you know is a lie, that your "churches" (Solar Temples) are a den of liars and thieves, that Yeshua/Jesus was a man like us, was a shard of Creator and like the iterations before him, ascended to the next plane after mastering himself and abandoning his ego.
You're in the Matrix. These are dreams. The dark force (we literally can't say the name...) occupies this plane. It rules over it, really. You lost all of your memories. You've been here as long as was necessary for you to understand how to play The Game. 
This place is Hades/"Hell", at least insofar as we're still with our bodies, our "dolls".
You don't think having this explained to someone would do something like send them to the hospital? What about when we tell everyone they've been eating babies for probably over a decade (Senomyx HEK-293)? What about when they learn Impossible Meats is across the road from Planned Parenthood? What about when they learn about how the favorite pass-time of what you call "The Elites" is raping children? What about when they learn about how some children are sacrificed to Molech after being raped to death and then cannibalized? What about when they learn about how virtually every aspect of media has been controlled down to the finest detail for decades? What about when they learn about how they're behaviors are manipulated and that they've been made slaves through a global ritualistic energy economy? What about when they all learn they're legally dead and lost at sea and that they own LITERALLY NOTHING AT ALL?

How you have the gall to question whether or not people will be put in the hospital after learning The Truth is beyond me. 
Temper your ego. Decalcify.
Jupiter will make another round soon.